“We did not create Prando, instead it emerged. It is the result of conversations, ideas and collaborations, over a number of years and through need and lack: need of customized educational solutions focused on the client, and the lack of such solutions in the market.”
We first started as a Business Consultancy, but over time, the demand for Training increased. So we specialized in training – method issues, instructional design, teaching adults, inclusion methods – which led to a great improvement in the formatting and efficiency of our materials and projects.
Soon we had more and more companies asking us to develop trainings so they would be able to do the teaching, and that was how we began developing facilitation courses.
Long story cut short; today we are a Curatorship for Corporative Education.
Imagine a museum curator – that person selects works and contextualizes their exhibition, in order to affect the audience. We do the same with our clients’ corporative education: we take care of the content to be displayed, and propose the best way to present it in order to achieve the desired results.
Here at Prando we are not attached to any specific media, everything is valid: slideshow, video lessons, board games, Q&A, mobile apps, games, movies, toys…. Because we consider that each client is unique and each demand has special defining characteristics, we are open to work with any format so that the target public will adhere to it.